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We rely on the support and generosity of our communities to help vulnerable people and families in Surrey.

Every bit of support is gratefully appreciated and makes a big difference to people’s lives. A few examples of how your gift could make a lasting difference to people’s lives include:

  • £10 could fund a mentor’s monthly phone costs, helping them provide consistent personal support to a vulnerable young person
  • £25 could provide 1 hour of support from a qualified trainer to a struggling student with social, emotional, and mental health needs
  • £50 could provide 1 hour of support by a trained counsellor for a young person with mental health needs
  • £100 could provide 1 day of support for vulnerable parents from a trained outreach worker



Alternatively, you can send a Cheque to Surrey Care Trust at Astolat, Coniers Way, Guildford, Surrey GU4 7HL or make a BACS transfer to:

Surrey Care Trust
Barclays Bank Account:  50878499
Sort code: 20-46-73.

(Please note that we continue to also bank with CAF Bank and can still receive your donations this way).

If you are donating by cheque or BACS  please contact us so we know where and how to contact you to say thank you. We would also love to hear what inspired you to donate to Surrey Care Trust.

If you are a UK taxpayer, you will add 25% to your donation if you complete a Gift Aid declaration form.

Thank you.



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"The help she gave me made me want to be a mentor myself"

"If I had stayed at school, I would have got kicked out for good".

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18 May 2022

Plan for the future

Making a gift in your Will means you can help future generations, helping local people who need our support in the coming years.