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  3. Help with mental health and wellbeing

Help with mental health and wellbeing

Do you know a young person or adult struggling with poor mental health? Or are you, or your community group, feeling isolated? We might be able to help you.

Good mental health and wellbeing is important to every part of life, from relationships, physical health, to employment. More and more people struggle with their mental health, many from a young age; over half of all mental health disorders start before the age of 14, with 75% by 24 years of age.

But, through our free counselling, mentor support, and nurture through nature activities, we are here to help children, young people, adults and parents.

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Wellbeing Mentors

Young people aged 11-18 struggling with issues such as anxiety or depression can get help from a Wellbeing Mentor

Steps2Work Wellbeing

If your mental health means you are struggling to find or keep employment, we may be able to help.

Outside & Active Courses

Are you struggling with your mental health? Our free, 12 week Outside & Active courses could help you find the support you need.

FREE Counselling for 16-25 year olds in Surrey

We offer a free service for 16 to 25 year-olds. If you or someone you know needs counselling, please call or text 07885 969 774.

Community Gardens and Allotments

Community Gardens and Allotments are a fantastic place to relax, enjoy the fresh air and be part of a vibrant community.

Swingbridge Community Boats

Environmental conservation and wellbeing activities on west Surrey's waterways.