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Flourishing Families in Spelthorne borough

Did you know Surrey Care Trust operates the Spelthorne Family Centres in Stanwell and Ashford?

We are delighted to announce that we have been chosen by Surrey County Council to provide the Families First early help service throughout the borough of Spelthorne. Families First is combining community-based services for families going through difficult times, with the support of  outreach workers and  activities based at Family Centres.

We already have a long track record at the Stanwell Family Centre, being part of our Flourishing Family programmes for the past 15 years, working with families in and the local area, and offering a range of courses and parenting support. In their last review, Surrey County Council said of the team:

…provided an amazing service and have adapted to the changing needs of children and families in Surrey, ensuring they have had access to the support they needed.

And, as of June, we now manage the support and services delivered from the Clarendon Family Centre, providing unique family support in one of Surrey’s most deprived communities.

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Holly's progress was amazing. She went from coming in to see me in floods of tears to a very confident person who stood up tall and proud of herself.