When I was a young man, I was able to be part of something that helped me develop the life skills I found useful later on in life. As I grew older, I began to think more about what I can contribute to help others who have not had the same opportunities in life as I have been fortunate to have.
Then I found Surrey Care Trust – a charity with a strong community focus, but large enough to be responsive and effective and I wanted to be part of it. Many of the people who turn to us have been told they’re failures, often from a very young age. They have checked out of education or employment, irrespective of their potential, and they just don’t know a way out of their situation. The human and societal cost is just staggering.
I have seen first-hand the difference the Trust can make. Together, staff and volunteers work with their clients to challenge them, to get them to view things from different perspectives, to make their own decisions.
It is wonderful to see people bloom when previously they felt that they were trapped by bad decisions, lack of opportunity and withering self-belief.
This vital work must continue, long after I am gone, and that’s why I have left a gift in my Will to Surrey Care Trust
John Chaplin
Chairman, Surrey Care Trust
More information on what it means to leave a gift in your Will can be found here.